AVIAT162.ZIP 26,236 08-09-95 AVIATION CONVERTER v1.62- Converts all typesof Aviation Gas to/from U.S. Gallons, Poundsand Tons with Metric equivalents.Weight/Density is corrected for range -40C to30C. Adds and Subtracts Hours and Minutes.
Calculates the Burn Rate per Minute withMetric equivalents. Temperature: Celsiusto/from Fahrenheit. For Windows 3.x. RequiresVBRUN300.DLL
CUNIT100.ZIP 153,768 06-10-95 CUnit v1.0. Freeware Unit converter.
DRILL5I.ZIP 38,083 09-20-95 DRILL v.5I; provides knowledge-basedmanufacturing parameters for drilling avariety of alloys (Al, Steel, Ti, Cu-base,Ni-base). DRILL also supports various drilltypes (HSS, Carbide, Cobalt, and Micrograin
Carbide). Provides drill tip length, inch perminute (IPM), revolutions per minute (RPM),surface feet per minute (SFM), and"inaccuracy in oversize" data. Usesindustry-proven
FUNC11.ZIP 82,354 08-01-95 Parser and Evaluation of MathematicalFunctions, Turbo C, Source
FW10.ZIP 363,012 05-31-95 FlexEasy for Windows v1.0 ASP-Data analysisand what-if calculations done in a free styleuser defined format. Start with a blankworksheet, then add cells, descriptive textvariables, ranges, tables and graphs wherever
desired. Calculations done in cells refer tovariables, ranges, values in other cells or alocation on the worksheet. Allows flexibleanalysis of financial and scientific data
LIQHYD20.ZIP 49,244 06-14-95 Liquid Hydraulics - performs steady-statecalculations for a single pressurizedpipeline. It is capable of solving for flowrate, outside diameter (O.D.), and pressureat node 1 or pressure at node 2. This version
terminates after two calculations. RequiresVBRUN300.
LNPLOT12.ZIP 971,636 09-07-95 LinePlot V1.2 is an X-Y data graphing programfor scientific & engineering data. Featuresallow graphs that are difficult or impossiblewith other PC charting & graphing products.
Native OS2 Presentation Manager program, forWarp or 2.1. Can produce OS2 metafiles to bepasted into other native applications. Fullfeatured, shareware. Extensive on-line,context sensitive Help.
MATHMATE.ZIP 236,034 05-13-95 Mathmate Demo - Advanced Math AnalysisProvides easy to use math analysis andcalculations in root finding, integration,interpolation, approximation, O.D.E.,non-linear systems, eigenvalues, matrix
algebra and decomposition and more.
MATHW101.ZIP 72,662 05-30-95 DEMO of Mathworx - does everything exceptsave and print. Runs from DOS or fromfull-screen DOS Window in Windows or OS/2
MCONV102.ZIP 241,357 07-08-95 MASTER CONVERTER version 1.02 - MasterConverter is an easy to use Windows utilitythat can quickly convert to and from nearly150 different units in 13 categories.Categories include: length, area, volume,
mass, power, time, energy, force,temperature, and others. Online help included.
MTCALC10.ZIP 292,713 07-18-95 MTRXCALC V1.0 <ASP>-This application providesthe ease of the calculator interface to bothelementary and sophisticated methods ofmatrix and linear algebra (complex or real).Buttons for the inverse,determinant,etc.;
solving sys tems;LU,Cholesky,QR factors; andeigensystems. Typed expressions as'A*inv(B)+trans(C)' are evaluated. Easy dataentry, and savefile support. NOTE this is a32 Bit WIN32s(TM) ,WinNT(TM) program.
MULTPLY.ZIP 380,031 06-07-95 Multiply - allows you to solve multiplicationproblems on screen in Windows. It alsoprovidea a multiplication table up to 12 in aHelp file.
PLOTR73.ZIP 136,229 08-31-95 Plotter v7.3 <ASP> Data Plotting and AnalysisProgram. This compact, versatile and easy touse PC/AT DOS program includes a full screenData Editor, Curve Fitting, Fast FourierTransforms and Digital Filtering. Plots can
be sent to a printer, or can be saved to diskin PCX format. On-line instructions.
RISWAL31.ZIP 558,553 06-22-95 Design Segmental Retaining Walls 3.01 forGravity Wall or Reinforced Geogrid. FREE toregistered users. Step-by-step: proj info,elevations, soils, design, panelize, andgeogrid placement. Does engineering Factor of
RXRG95.ZIP 305,698 05-01-95 RXridge, RXtraces, PathProj v9505: MaximumLikelihood methods of shrinkage in regression(classical, empirical Bayes, and randomcoefficients), with interactive CGA graphicsdisplays of TRACES of coefficients, mean sq.
errors, and the inferior direction. ReviewTRACE displays for numerical examplespreviously computed/saved using RXridge andproject shrinkage path statistics onto anytwo-dimensional linear subspace.
SICON26.ZIP 374,983 07-18-95 SICon v2.6 Windows Unit Conversion Utility.30,000+ unit conversions possible. Featureshelp through- out. Converts imperial tometric, metric to imperial, etc. Featuresprinting, calculator, save to file. Very easy
to use. Includes over 500 material densities.
STEAM10.ZIP 526,243 07-07-95 Steam Properties v1.0 <ASP> is an MS Windowsapplication that calculates the properties ofsteam/water within a wide range of pressureand temprature. It may be used for analyzing
a number of energy conversion components usedin power plants, such as steam turbines,pumps, boilers and heat exchangers. Theaccompanied help file "Thermodynamics onlinehelp" gives a brief description of them.
SYMBOL57.ZIP 132,736 05-10-95 Mathomatic V5.7; Symbolic math program. Thisprogram that can automatically solve,simplify, combine, and graph algebraicequations, etc. Does calculus operations,too. Mathomatic is an inexpensive alternative